What Are the Qualities of a Good Teacher?

People from various walks of life can find a holistic outlook on life in Islam. To be trusted with such a great job, a person must have a few distinguishing attributes to be qualified to teach Islam. Some of the qualities that are recommended by Islam, and which are attributes of Alharudy teachers are highlighted below.


A person must have a foundational understanding of every aspect of Islamic education in order to be qualified to teach it. Credible credentials for the teacher are crucial. He must also be conscious of the boundaries of his knowledge and have the humility to recognise when he lacks expertise on a subject rather than misguiding someone, like Salaf did. One's perspective is widened and their perspective on life is made more cohesive through knowledge. This enables the individual to function as a bridge builder. He must also be informed of any contentious social topics that are currently being debated so that he can handle any student who brings them up diplomatically in order to prevent misunderstanding and strife among other students. He must also be steadfast in his dedication to the truth and unwilling to waver from it.


Words are less powerful than deeds. A saying that accurately expresses a crucial psychological truth. Since Islam places such a high value on excellent manners, a teacher who lacks them will have little impact on his students. Our Prophet Muhammad's moral character is what made him so effective at spreading the message and having the kind of an impact he did on people. It is attested to in the Quran. "Therefore, [O Muhammad], you showed them mercy by the grace of Allah. Additionally, they would have broken off from you if you had been disrespectful in your speech and harsh in your attitude. So, forgive them, beg their forgiveness, and consult with them. And once you've made a choice, put your faith in Allah. Undoubtedly, Allah adores those who depend on Him. What a man says has a lot more weight when he is credible. From now on, if a teacher conducts himself in a kind, courteous, honest, responsible, and God-fearing manner. It makes sense that his lessons would have a significant effect. Even yet, a learner needs to be receptive to the truth, regardless of where it comes from. However, it has a significant impact that is difficult to dispute.


A teacher needs to be passionate about what he is teaching in order to be successful. The pupils will instantly be more interested if the teacher is enthusiastic. However, it also holds true the other way around. In order to increase student engagement, the teacher must foster a welcoming environment where students are encouraged to ask questions. This indulgence, though, shouldn't come at the expense of rules. When necessary, the teacher must be able to maintain decorum by being forceful.


Wisdom is another attribute of a successful teacher. He must be wise enough to impart knowledge in the student's terms and to know who and what to address. Prophet Muhammad used Abu Huraira and other simple-minded Bedouins as examples to demonstrate this essential attribute. Relate knowledge to people according to their level of understanding, advised 'Ali ibn Abi Talib, radiallaahu 'anhu. Do you want people to reject Allah and His Messenger? For one's teaching to be a source of kindness both in this world and the next, one must also teach for Allah's sake. Another benefit of thinking about the prize in the afterlife is that it makes it easier to tolerate and put up with rude students. It is advised by the Prophet Muhammad, that peace and blessings be upon him, according to Ibn Abbas: "Teach people, make things easy, and do not make things difficult." One of you should keep quiet while the other is angry. As related by Ibn Mas'ud: "The Prophet used to take care of us in preaching by selecting the proper time, so that we might not get bored." The teacher must also be considerate and know how much and when to teach. (He refrained from constantly harping on us with sermons and knowledge.)


No matter how much knowledge someone possesses, if they are unable to communicate it to others, they cannot enlighten or assist them. So, being able to articulate yourself clearly is crucial. When Hazrat Musa prayed, "My Lord, expand for me my breast [with assurance]," he pointed to it in his lovely dua. My duty will be made easier. And untie the tongue's knot. so that people can comprehend what I'm saying. The Prophet Muhammad was endowed with the ability to succinctly and effectively communicate vast and challenging concepts. As a result, numerous one-line Hadis are packed with knowledge.